Awesome OCT-Guided PCI Cases

  • Case 1: Ostial and diffuse LAD disease with LMS stenting [Page 1]
  • Case 2: Stent deformation leading to ACS [Page 9]
  • Case 3: MINOCA with recurrent presentations [Page 19]
  • Case 4: Multivessel disease –assessment of severity and treatment strategy [Page 29]
  • Case 5: Severe ISR and malapposition [Page 39]
  • Case 6: denovo lesion with calcification [Page 46]
  • Case 7: STEMI –Very Late Stent Thrombosis [Page 52]
  • Case 8: CTO of RCA and assessment of recent PPCI in ectatic LAD [Page 62]
  • Case 9: Severe mid-LCx stenosis and borderline ostial disease [Page 73]
  • Case 10: Healing and Bioresorptionof BVSover 5 years [Page 78]
  • Case 11: LM-LAD stenosis and ISR –plaque morphology and severity [Page 87]
  • Case 12: CTO bifurcation [Page 98]
  • Case 13: Calcium nodules [Page 107]
  • Case 14: optimisation of PPCI stent [Page 116]
  • Case 15: Recurrent ACSwiththrombus and distal embolisation [Page 121]
  • Case 16: optimisation of PPCI stent [Page 143]
  • Case 17: elective PCI of osteoproximal  LAD [Page 153]
  • Case 18: STEMI in a young man [Page 164]
  • Case 19: elective PCI in LAD after old MI [Page 170]
  • Case 20: Tandem LAD lesions managed with OCT and QFR [Page 183]

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